Health Workforce Queensland are proud to have presented the inaugural GROW Rural event, with 27 multi-discipline health students from several Queensland universities visiting the Central Queensland communities of Woorabinda, Baralaba, Moura, Theodore and Biloela. GROW Rural is a three year program which provides medical, nursing and allied health students the annual opportunity to experience comprehensive clinical practice and the unique lifestyle of remote and rural Queensland communities.

Health Workforce Queensland is the state’s Rural Workforce Agency and established GROW Rural as means of connecting the future health workforce to remote and rural Queensland with the aim of attracting them to a career in rural communities following completion of their tertiary education.

The inaugural GROW Rural was a huge success. Students were warmly welcomed into the rural communities, and in return the rural communities left a lasting impression in the minds of students.

I had the pleasure of capturing the spirit of the event from the perspective of the students.  What an amazing weekend to be part of. I am thoroughly looking forward to following the progress of these students over the coming years.

In the meantime, please click on image below to view a showreel of the weekend that was GROW Rural 2017!


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