Windjana Gorge NP can be accessed by 4WD or guided tours, either from the north, via Gibb River Rd or from the south, via Leopold Downs Road. One of the highlights of the park is the sighting of groups of freshwater crocodiles, sunning themselves along the river banks. They seem quite relaxed about the visitors but I certainly wouldn’t tempt them by getting too close! The limestone rocks are quite amazing, having been subjected to weathering by wind and water over the years, resulting in beautiful sculptured shapes.
The walking track extends along the river banks through the 3.5km length of the gorge.
A tourist had ventured off the track and been injured by a fall…resulting in a rescue effort to stretcher him back to the camp ground for medical assistance… the 4km walk was quite an effort for the rescue team and I’m sure the tourist will be a little less likely to head off the guided track in future.
We came across these 2 cyclists along the Leopold Downs Rd, endeavoring to cycle about 90km’s over corrugated, dusty 4WD road from The Great Northern Highway through to Windjana. Sure would be a tough ride but they seemed to be enjoying the adventure!